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Weekend yummy and healthy treat idea. Кулінарна здорова ідея для вихідних.

E: Hello! Want to share with you some ideas for healthy cooking. Today, my Protein pancakes recipe. You can make them for breakfast or post-workout meal. Either way, enjoy! U: Привіт! Сьогодні поділюся з вами рецептом білкових пляцків з конопляним шротом і трускавками.  Ви можете їх приготувати на сніданок чи після тренування.

Gorgany Cross Country Half Marathon. Lviv, Ukraine. April 26, 2015. My thoughts.

Finally, I am holding a piece of paper and a pan to write down my thoughts about Gorgany Cross Country Half Marathon in Lviv, which took place on April 26, 2015.

This was my very first experience running cross country, and 'oh, boy!', the actual taste of it I've tried only two weeks before the race, while testing the route. This was nothing like, practically even, route in Chicago marathons, that I've had run in the past.

This year, Gorgany CC HM was fifth, starting the first one back in 2011. It went from 29 participants-finishers in 2011 (23 men and 6 women) to 258 in 2015 (208 men and 50 women). Impressive!

2015 race did come with some unexpected changes in a route, which were made just a month before the race. One huge loop was replaced by three repeating, smaller size, loops, plus a 'tail'. Since I haven't run previous Lviv races, following original route, I can only imagine that this year the route was less fun. Every runner, who had run long distances, would probably agree with me that running repeatable circles isn't a fun. According to HM organizers, the changes in route were made because of safety precautions. If that is a fact, I can't complain. Safety comes first!

Every race participant had to go trough medical checkup, before running HM. From my own experience, I've never had to do that in order to run Chicago marathons. But rules have to be followed, so I did go through medical checkup. There was a problem: my hemoglobin level was way too low. After taking iron supplements, I went through additional blood test. Unfortunately, it was still beyond 'green light' to run the race. From that moment on, I was on my own. I had to make decision: participate or not to participate. I've chosen the last one, which was very hard.

The day before the race, there was a pasta party, where all participants could receive their bib numbers. I went there with my friend, who also planned on running Gorgany race. I shared with him my decision not to participate because of anemia. My friend told me, 'Maryana, you are a runner! You've been running for years. If not you, I'll be not running this race. Run tomorrow! If you do feel unwell, get off the track.' That was it. That was exactly what I needed to hear. Thanks to my dear friend, I've made my final decision, RUN. Just few hours before the race ;)

On the day of the race, the weather was amazing: sunny and dry. Perfect to run. Start was set next to Opera House, in Lviv Center.

We had to run 4K through the city, until we would reach forest area. So, the first two and a half miles were perfect for some warm up, before the actual hard part of the race.

Photo from official race website

Yes, the route inside the forest was hard, and many, who had run that day, would agree. The loop in the forest had few prolonged hills, over which everybody had to run three times, over, and over, and over again. That was hard. The hardest part of the race.

There were two water station along the circle inside the forest. Not bad, but I would add one more. I, personally, felt quite thirsty, before reaching water station, each time.

Some notes about volunteers, who were spread along the route to check passing numbers, and making sure the runners followed the rules. I expected to see some encouragement from them, but there was none, not even a smile. I guess, I am spoiled by running in Chicago, where people on streets along the route would wave and smile to you, and support you with words of encouragement.

As soon, as I crossed the finish line, I've received a medal. Also, my name was announced, while I was getting closer to finish. Some privilege to participate in races with small amount of runners :)

Overall, I was happy with a race. The most important thing to me, was that I actually came to the finish, despite being diagnosed with anemia. The post-race packet for finishers had kvas 'Taras'* in it, which was very handy at the time, some baking goods and yogurt.

Currently, I am working on my iron level. I am looking forward to running Gorgany Cross Country again, next year. This time, I'll be stronger!  :)

Until then, I'll continue running, but with one change: No more running in the city! After running cross country, I fell in love with it. This is so much fun! You can actually feel more like a runner, free and connected with nature. I've never felt like this, while running in the city.

I am very thankful to Gorgany race for giving me this wonderful experience. Trail running is my new passion!

Maryana with a soul of a runner.

P.S. Thanks to my husband for wonderful pictures during the race.

*- drink made by bread fermentation. Popular in Ukraine.


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